High Dose Radiation Side Effects. Brachytherapy and external beam radiation. At very high doses, radiation can impair the functioning of tissues and organs and produce acute effects such as nausea and vomiting, skin redness, hair loss, acute.
If doses of radiation are high enough, some cells may not be able to repair themselves. Radiation therapy has side effects because it not only kills or slows the growth of cancer cells, it can also affect nearby healthy cells.
Side Effects From Radiation Therapy Differ Significantly Depending On The Type Of Treatment And Which Tissues Are Treated.
Radiation to the head and neck can damage the cells in the lining of your throat and mouth.
The Treatment Itself Is Painless But It Can Cause Side Effects That May Cause You Problems.
The dosimeter was never sent for analysis, but the estimated total body dose was between 20 and 250 msv.
The Thyroid Is The Most Efficient Organ At Concentrating Iodine.
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In this, a high dose of radiation is used in a single or few sessions with extreme precision, often used for small, inoperable tumours.
Other Side Effects Depend On The Part Of The Body That Is Being.
Many people who get radiation therapy experience fatigue.
Side Effects From Radiation Therapy Differ Significantly Depending On The Type Of Treatment And Which Tissues Are Treated.